Becoming An Immigrant

Words: 875
Pages: 4

Unfortunately, I was not born with the same rights as everyone. My family was separated do to our legal status which cause eagerness in me to learn more about the world of law enforcement. As an Immigrant, I do not have a voice or a choice. An issue that I deeply care about are rights, and I believe its very essential to promote and educate immigrant communities and everyone else about building trust between law enforcement and immigrants. Immigrants are very important, especially in California, California has the highest immigration deportation. These individuals are defends-less do to there legal circumstances. My goal is to reunite my family and other families by becoming an immigration attorney. Families should not be separated. Everyone …show more content…
We as society can be described as selfish beings, we need to take that blindfold off and stop ignoring the suffering of other living creatures. There has been an argument stating that animals do not need empathy because “they do not feel,” nor do they have feelings, because animals kill one another. They kill one another in order to survive. People tend to dislike one another for various reasons but society does not accuse humans of having no emotions. Animals deserve to have limited rights such as proper care, proper living conditions and protection from maltreatment. Animals should be entitled to these rights because they have similar characteristics as sentiment human such as pleasure, pain and …show more content…
However, dolphins are not the only animals that are being deprived of these needs but also other animals that we consume such as farm animals. There are big corporations all around the world that are are living of these animals. McDonald’s KFC, Burger King and other food industries are playing a critical role in the life of these farm animals. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it goes on to declare that one should not be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. These defenseless animals should be entitled to these rights as well. Animals are being place in unsanitary living conditions, but not only that, food industries are filling up animals with chemical hormones and inappropriate dietary supplements that are affecting their health and ours as consumers and buyers of these food industries. Animal consumption is necessary in order for human beings to survive. Even though killing animals for food is not the most humane thing to do, I do believe that it is possible to give animals the proper care and living conditions in the short time they are under care; in the end it will be beneficial for animals and