Should Kids Be Allowed To Play Youth Sports

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Pages: 2

Did you know, Kids who play youth sports are 15% more likely to go to college then those who don’t yet so many people disagree with youth sports. Should kids be allowed to play youth competitive sports. That is a life long question that many people have opinions about. All over the world kids all ages enjoy spending their free time competing in sports. Although some people say it is too dangerous most people can agree that is is a great way for kids to excel in life skills. When kids play sports they often get good grades and more rewarding friendships. Kids who play sports tend to get better grades. According to “Playing school sports seems to have a positive effect on grades” (1:30 ). When kids join school sports they need to keep there grades up to stay on the team, this encourages then to get good grades. Also on they say “When the season ends grades tend to drop” (1:37). When the season is over kids don’t have staying on the team to encourage them. They are then not worried about …show more content…
Often kids who don’t play sports feel left out, kids who do play sports have a better social outcome. A study by Katie Couric’s Notebook says “The loneliest kids it turns out, are the ones who lack athletic confidence or even shun sports all together” (0:20). When kids play sports they are forced to work together and sometimes that makes kids become friends. Also from Katie Couric’s Notebook “Not only do sports give kids confidence, They also give more rewarding friendships” (0:16). Kids will often get to know the kids they play with and sometimes those friendships go on