The number of students who have lost federal financial aid eligibility because of a drug conviction are roughly 200,000+ (Drug Policy Alliance) In addition, the plant substance was tested on recreational usage to see if it can cause impairment to different parts of the brain, daily routines, and mental stability conditions. Brain damage was studied on teens using the illicit drug through statewide school tests and the scorings they received. In result to the testing, the teens that were considered heavy users (used more than 7 times a week) were to score lower on their test than non-users. (Health Psychology) The usage of marijuana affected the tasks that a normal person would accomplish on a daily routine, rather than the user that continues to be unproductive while on the drug for recreational purposes. The mental health had many side effects and similar symptoms such as “cannabis psychosis.” (Irverson 2003) This was a condition that researchers discovered from patients that were taking very large dosages of the drug, and can often be serious enough to have someone end up in the ER, leading to seek medical help that could potentially build a mental condition with such symptoms that are often comparable to those of schizophrenia.
On the subject for taxation, the government has been arguing this for years. Arresting and setting up trial for someone in possession of the illicit substance can cost a few thousand dollars per person, ranging about roughly 1.5 million happening each year that cause our country to fall further into debt. “From 1997 through 2010 the NYPD made 536,000 arrests for