They argued this indicates that teachers, as trusted members of the school community, could be responsible for caring for and potentially using firearms in crisis situations. The goal of such a policy would be to deter would-be attackers and provide a rapid response option, potentially saving lives. On the other end, there are strong arguments against Army teachers as a solution to school shootings. Critics of the idea point out that the presence of firearms could actually increase the risk of violence, either through an accident or by escalating a tense situation. They also argue that the role of a teacher is to educate and nurture, not to serve as an armed security. In addition, the psychological impact of carrying a weapon on teachers and the school environment is a concern. There's also the financial aspect to consider - the cost of training, arming and ensuring teachers could be prohibitively expensive for many districts instead, while opponents advocate for other measures such as improved mental health services, stricter gun control laws, and enhanced security protocols that do not involve introducing more weapons into