Should The United States Be Allowed To Conformity?

Words: 842
Pages: 4

The United States is renowned for its diverse population and is otherwise infamous for being a melting pot. Based on the country’s history built on colonization and thus leading to immigration, many cultures have blended and shaped the country today. With the number of ethnic groups established throughout history and on the rise, it has built controversy regarding the way of living for its citizens. Americans should conform to the cultural majority as long as it is beneficial and accepting of one’s lifestyle, since conformity can provide a sense of belonging. The ability to freely express and follow one’s culture should be allowed when conforming to the predominant society. For example, according to a Forbes article discussing the American identity with immigrants, some male Sikhs might alter their appearance by leaving …show more content…
Being able to conform in a larger society where the goal is to help form a better life for future generations, to help stabilize their way of living, is vital to help them find a sense of belonging. While some may find that altering or naming one’s name differently to something more “acceptable” to society loses one’s part of identity, it’s not entirely giving up one’s identity or culture as people can still reside in their heritage and culture through other aspects, such as following certain traditions, morals, and ideas. Changing a name is only a certain aspect that one might conform to for them to receive equal opportunities as their native counterparts. In addition, a report covering the study of immigration assimilation in America found that by absorbing into the majority culture, “newcomers are better able to communicate and integrate into society and workplaces, as well as make better use of public services” (Source