Should US Use Sanctions To End Human Trafficking

Words: 1565
Pages: 7

EQ: Should the U.S. use sanctions to end human trafficking?
The issue of human trafficking has continuously spread all across the world. Anyone can become a victim of trafficking. Those who are more susceptible to becoming a victim are “undocumented immigrants; runaway and homeless youth; victims of trauma and abuse; refugees and individuals fleeing conflict; and oppressed, marginalized, and/or impoverished groups and individuals” (“The Victims”). Certain populations are especially more vulnerable, such as victims from different countries are trafficked into the U.S. (“The Victims”). Undocumented immigrants are less to speak up or seek help because they are afraid of being deported. They are also considered an easier target for traffickers because
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The basic definition of human trafficking “is the control and exploitation of others for profit, including the transportation or trade of people for work” (“Human Trafficking”). According to The Advocates for Human Rights, “Human trafficking is a form of slavery and involuntary servitude resulting in grave human rights violations” (“The Advocates”). Forcing someone against their will is a crime. This is now considered the new modern day slavery of this era which is a violation of an individual’s legal human rights. Nobody should ever have their identity stripped from them as well as their freedom. However, sex-trafficking is just one of the many ways of making profit in big money by forcing someone to perform sexual pleasure. Sex-trafficking involves individuals profiting from the sexual exploitation of others and has severe physical and psychological consequences for its victims” (“The Advocates”). During the process of sex-trafficking, victims endure unbearable pain. They are raped, brutally beaten, drugged, and threatened. These are just some of the many conflicts they encounter every day of their life