Jonas’s family and my family also have many differences. One is that babies are delivered by a Birthmother and only 50 are only born …show more content…
Parents do not get the privilege of naming their own child that they will raise. Jonas’s family even had to apply for him and Lily. Unlike his family, we do not have to apply for children and we are related by marriage or by blood. My household does not have strict rules for things such as food, apologies, and language. We don’t have many rules that are really important that we need to follow strictly every single day. Another difference is that Jonas ends his childhood at the age of 12 and is selected for an assignment for the rest of his life. My family’s childhood does not end at a definite age. Our jobs are what we choose and want to do until we retire. In addition, my family owns a pet dog. Jonas’s family and whole community do not even realize that there used to be animals kept as pets, if only they knew this fact (cx). I couldn’t