In some cases, after the initial separation, the child continues to experience abandonment, this time from the parent they found solace. The parent that was left behind to raise the children can no longer handle the stress of going it alone and gives up. Causing further physiological damages to the child’s psyche. This paper speaks to how social programs and social service organizations have failed these families in service deliveries further contributing to the long-term effects that are growing up in a poor single-parent home have on young people. Children growing up in homes where love and resources are limited dramatically changes the direction of the young person life. Serious risk factors are associated with not being able to receive adequate resources, leading the youths to drop out of school, become a teen parent and narrows the chances of being able to get a job. Many children fall through the cracks because social services agencies do not have funds or the wait for help is too far away to keep the families together. Subsidized housing, is supposed to be put in place to help women who do not have the means to give their children a decent place to