Sir Gawain Morally Ambiguous

Words: 270
Pages: 2

The green knight is a perfect example of a morally ambiguous character in comparison to Sir Gawain.When reading the tale you can pick up that sir gawain isn’t very “morally ambiguous” as he sees himself as the hero of the tale where no matter what he does or thing he is still morally on the right side of things and attempts to uphold his knightly duties held by the codes of chivalry.Where as the green knight always upholds the codes of chivalry no matter the setting whether it code as when he is speaking to Sir Gawain he says “In due course, Sir Gawaine. First, give me the blow I have asked for, then I shall tell you what you wish to know” as he speaks with Sir Gawainhe he behaves with courtesy by speaking in a polite manner and requesting