Skin Cancer In Australia

Words: 659
Pages: 3

Skin cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. It can caused in death if the spread in uncontrolled (American Cancer Society, 2013) . Australia has one of the highest incidence rates of skin cancer in the world. By the age of 70 among Australian, there are at least 2 out of 3 of Australian will be diagnosed with skin cancer. This research paper will investigate the risk and contributing factors of skin cancers based on behavioral factors and environmental factors. After that, this research paper will discuss about the project plan, target group and what strategies been used for this health issue.

Health issue
Refer to Sun Smart organization (2014) , most of the skin cancer
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However, overexposure of UV can cause sunburn, skin damage, premature ageing, eye damage and eventually skin cancer Then, skin cancer usually appear as being quite different to surrounding skin and it mostly appear as an existing spot that has changed in size, shape and colour (Sun Smart, 2014) . According to Carter & Donovan (2007) , they state that with most of the skin cancer being attributed to Ultraviolet radiation there is a pressing need for proper education, preventative means and health promotion. Besides, the risk of developing skin cancer is also affected by the living area. People who live in areas that received high levels of ultraviolet radiation from sun such as Australia are more likely to develop skin cancer. Once the skin cancer developed, there are other consequences such as cancer cells will spread to other parts of body by traveling through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and it may lead into another tumor at this new site. “This is called a secondary cancer or metastatic” (Cancer council, 2012, p.7) .
Thus, Australia Government implemented a prevention campaigns since early 1980s as Australia has the highest incidence rate if skin cancer in the world. The skin cancer prevention program named “SunSmart” and it is potential on cost-effectiveness as an upgraded and ongoing national program (Sophy, Carter, Sinclair, Mihapoulos & Vos, 2009) . In addition, the researchers show the projected lifetime cost and cancer for the control and intervention group which government costs AU$ 481,344 in Discretionary use and AU$ 1359,922 in daily use (Hirst, Gordon, Scuffham& Gereen, 2012)