Skin Violence Research Papers

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Pages: 6

With the same red blood, why should we be differentiated by skin color? “The impact of violence on families, community, and young adults.”

Violence: Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, kill someone or do great bodily harm. As we all know history is repeating itself in a modern day form, what could possibly be next?

Being a black person in this century you’ll be lucky to be alive to see 21. There is beyond so much hatred towards us African Americans, why? Who knows and who will ever know? Because having a darker skin tone than a “white person” is NOT a logical nor reasonable answer. Every year there are countless deaths of black people, and protests come about because the killing of a family’s loved one, that was caused
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Emmett Till was 14 years of age when he was very brutally murdered by two white men because he was caught “flirting” with a white woman four days prior, Emmett’s friends dared him to go into the store and ask the white woman behind the counter on a date because Emmett bragged to his friends that he had had a girlfriend back home that was white. Emmett wasn’t very familiar with how segregated Mississippi was because he was just there visiting some family, well, he was familiar with segregation just not this level. Returning from a business trip Carolyn’s husband was furious to find out how the “little black boy” was talking to his wife. He immediately took a trip to Emmett Till’s uncle house to hunt Emmett down and do some very brutal things to him and had the intention on killing him and that’s exactly what he did. Less than two weeks of Emmett’s body being buried the two men who murdered young Emmett Till went to court (a segregated …show more content…
But, I wanted to thoroughly explain how a young black man, like Trayvon and Emmett Till, was targeted, profiled, labeled, and unfortunately killed for what appears to be no other reason than the color of his skin. Comparing these two tragedies shows a prime example of how history is making a comeback. Situations like this create problems between the African-American society and our world at large. With so much hatred towards minorities, particularly, men and women of color, it’s difficult for a young person to dream and have hope for the future when they aren’t certain if they will see tomorrow. When a family or community loses a loved one it hurts. Trayvon and Emmett, like so many other black men and women of color belonged to and was part of somebody’s family. They were sons, nephews, friends & brothers. Our community mourns for the thousands of Trayvon and Emmett’s profiled, unjustly labeled and slain without regard for who they are and represent as a people, the potential they possess to be great in our society. All of that is taken away when all people see is the color of our skin. Violence is a cancer which has a negative impact on all involved. But just like cancer, we can treat this horrible disease, at times it may be in remission, BUT, I believe a day is coming when this cancerous sickness will be completely cured. So, I ask you, do we sit back and allow history to repeat itself