Slavery In America Research Paper

Words: 853
Pages: 4

Slavery in America started when the first African slave was brought to the North American English colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. This was to aid the output of lucrative crops such as tobacco. Slavery was brought in the 17th and 18th centuries, and it helped shape economic details of the new nation. In the early 17th century, European pilgrims in North America turned to African slaves as a cheaper, more abundant labor source than indentured hirelings. After 1619, when a Dutch dispatch brought 20 Africans to Jamestown, Virginia, slavery spread all through the American colonies. Although exact figures are unknown, a few history specialists have assessed that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World in the 18th century alone, …show more content…
In 1738, St. Augustine freed an African settlement nearby. The first, free black was in North America. Black slaves ran-away from the English colonies North of Spanish Florida settled together at Fort Mose. In 1739, Stono Rebellion was a slave, in search of freedom in the colony of South Carolina. Despite Oglethorpe's professions of antislavery sentiment, the founding of Georgia was a complex, political process. Oglethorpe himself led the doomed 1740 attack on the free black settlements of Spanish Florida, an action not entirely consistent with his moral qualms over the enslavement of Africans They were 3,000 free blacks from St. Augustine relocate to Cuba with Spanish in 1763 because of the Paris Peace Agreement. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years’ War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies. In the terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies …show more content…
New France wasn’t legally recognized, but Raudot Ordinace of 1709 did legalize the purchase and possession of slaves in New France. Ruette d'Auteuil, the colony's Sovereign Council, order to seek permission for the importation of black slaves from the Caribbean ,but there were only 11 African slaves in New France around the late 1710. Louisiana established near 1699, the black was more advantage of being closer to the Caribbean market. John Law, in 1717, suggest the Mississippi Company to important the Africa slaves into Louisiana to grow the economy with plantations. Around 6,000 African slaves were brought in between 1718-1743, and they were imported into Louisiana by the French Company of Indies to work on tobacco and the plantation