Slavery In The Americas Research Paper

Words: 642
Pages: 3

Between the 1550s and the 1850s in the Atlantic world slavery had some good and bad cause and effects, with it being good for Europeans and bad for the Africans and Natives. Slavery began in the Americas due to the Europeans not doing work and Natives not working good. Slaves were traded throughout the triangle trade, being the trading network that started with goods being traded from Europe to Africa, then the middle passage of triangle trade being trade of slaves for goods between the Americas and Africa. Then the slaves would be transported across the Atlantic to the Americas, but most of the slave would die before even reaching their destination. The ships they had to travel on had horrid conditions with many slave would die due to malnutrition and disease during the voyage. Once in the Americas the slaves were put up to sell; being sold …show more content…
The slaves already had been exposed to the European diseases unlike the Natives so they had grown some immunity to them. They had experience in agriculture and cattle keeping, and they also brought new techniques in the agriculture field as well. The Americas had a bit more tropical climate than the European were used to, which caused them to get some tropical diseases, but the slave were used to the tropical climate and diseases. They were very good workers way better than the Native Americans and they could easily be taught how to work on a plantation. The slaves would not try to escape since they did not know the land like the Natives had and even if they did try to escape they would be easy to recapture due to the color of their skin. Slaves helped tremendously in many ways in the social developments in the Americas, but they mainly help in the areas of culture and the economy in their new lands. Some of the colonies in the Americas may not have even survived through and beyond this time period without the labor the slaves provided for