Social Loss Analysis

Words: 1430
Pages: 6

lf-Reflection: Interview Questions 1. Can you tell me about a significant loss you've experienced and how it impacted you? A significant loss that I have experienced was the death of my pet dog, Lacy. She passed away on June 16, 2020. The way it impacted me was the emptiness of joy in the house. It made it seem quiet and lonely. Life started feeling heavy without her. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? How did you initially react to the loss? What were your immediate emotions? At that moment, my dog passed away, especially when I found out by phone at work that another dog had attacked her. During the time of the call, my mom was in the emergency pet hospital waiting for my dog to be taken in. When I found out, I was shocked …show more content…
What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Have you noticed any long-term psychological changes due to the loss? Long-term psychological change as a result of the loss was social withdrawal and changes in identity. In social withdrawal, it is a challenge for me to interact with others. Till now, I have tried to get out of my comfort zone, but I'm not too fond of the feeling, or someone pushes me to socialize, which I wouldn't say I like because I see they do not get where I am coming from where I have struggled in socializing with others ever since I have been such a close door after the loss of my dog. I feel like I am in social withdrawal; I did withdraw from my friends. I stopped hanging out regularly; however, with my parents, I was the same until I struggled with some obstacles where they saw me struggle with my mental health and, further on, did seek support. The other is a change in identity. I was accepting the loss and my life as it profoundly impacted how I see myself. I did question my purpose and values during those changes, but I did find new meanings in life; I see myself more confident with my decisions and who I am as a person, and my spirituality did not change as much but grew in creating a stronger relationship with God because, through those challenging moments, I question God why me and one day my dad told me God gives the most brutal battles to his strongest