I have worked in the Human Resources department for the past five years and face hiring challenges daily. I wanted to write my paper on something that would make me a better employee now and also carry with me in the future.
Social media tools are used by companies as a means to reach its customers, distribute messages, build or maintain its reputation, and to recruit potential hires. A common thread found in all definitions of social media is a blend of technology and social interaction. Social media have become a new tool for effective business marketing and sales, particularly in e-commerce. With social media, Human Resources has a great recruiting tool at their disposal, as there are many popular social and professional networking websites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Social networks are beneficial for hiring people from different backgrounds, race, geographic, age and gender. Recruiters can now easily access thousands of potential employees, contact them, and pick those that match their criteria.
Another advantage of online job-search websites is that they allow people to search their databases for prospective job openings. So job seekers can browse through job listings and see whether anything interests them. If it does, they can simply apply for it and wait for the company to get back to them. As online recruitment sites continue to multiply in numbers these 'value -added' services may well prove crucial to their long