Social Roles in the Caring Profession Essay

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Pages: 5

Conventional families:Family is a network of interpersonal rights and obligations arising out of birth and marriage and extends across household boundaries. Personal choice is allowed for to some extent, as in marriage.Family ties are seen as binding together people of all ages and sex categories into groupings whose members feel responsibility to provide and supports each other. Such interdependence within families is seen as the moral basis of society, and therefore as requiring compromise of purely personal interests.
Deregulated families :One third of the people in the study rejected all group conventions and insist that family arrangements are a private matter to be freely negotiated among
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We need to pay attention to our body language, eye contact, and tone of voice when addressing patients and families. when addressing co-workers, nursing supervisors, and virtually everyone else. Conflict among co-workers can impact patients, and sometimes can be prevented or corrected if we are aware of how our attitude may be interpreted. Also cultural awareness can be an important part of the knowledge base that nurses need when communicating.
There are five components to the nurse-client relationship: trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy and power. Regardless of the context, length of interaction and whether a nurse is the primary or secondary care provider, these components are always present. Trust is critical in the nurse-client relationship because the client is in a vulnerable position. Initially, trust in a relationship is fragile, so it’s especially important that a nurse keep promises to a client. If trust is breached, it becomes difficult to re-establish. Respect is the recognition of the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, regardless of socio-economic status, personal attributes and the nature of the health problem. Professional intimacy is inherent in the type of care and services that nurses provide. It may relate to the physical activities, such as bathing, that nurses perform for, and with, the client that creates closeness. Professional intimacy can also involve psychological, spiritual and social elements that