Socrates No Man Wiser

Words: 458
Pages: 2

Daniel Hughes
Phil 1100: The Meaning of Life
Course Director: Henry Jackman
Andrew Molas
Word Count: 455
Socrates No Man Wiser
A response to the question:
What explanation does Socrates give for why the Oracle of Delphi claimed that there was nobody wiser than Socrates?
Chaerephon, a friend of Socrates’ and a respected man of the city of Athens once inquired to the god of Delphi whether any man was wiser than Socrates. The answer revealed “that there was no man wiser” (Plato p. 2). This essay will examine the reason Socrates gave for why the god of Delphi should make such a claim. The oracle’s statement provoked a thought from Socrates. He immediately questioned the oracle’s meaning, as he himself confessed to knowing nothing (Plato,