Solitary Confinement Research Paper

Words: 444
Pages: 2

Have you ever been intensely lonely, scared, and hopeless? People put in solitary confinement will often have negative mental health effects that can lead to physical problems. Solitary confinement can be recognized as cruel and unjust. It can have long lasting effects and many risks to the person being confined by deteriorating their health, stripping them of their liberties, and leaving inmates socially disabled.In the article “Surgeon General: We Have Become a Lonely Nation. It’s Time to Fix That.” by Vivek H. Murthy. It is said that when people are socially disconnected “it increases their risk of heart disease (29%), dementia (50%), and stroke (32%)” (Murthy par. 7. The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid …show more content…
16). The syllable of the syllable. The law states that harsh penalties on criminals should not be allowed, leaving inmates in a dark room with no sun, no fresh air, no human interaction or way of movement is inhumane. According to Murthy, “Our need for human connection is like our need for food or water: essential for our survival” (Murthy par. 19). The syllable of the syllable. The author compares human connection to something as essential as water, showing the absolute need and necessity for human connection and having the ability to talk and bond with other people. Next, Stromberg mentions that researchers seem to think solitary confinement makes prisoners “less equipped to re-enter society” (Stromberg par. 16). The syllable of the syllable. Isolating prisoners makes them unsociable and gets rid of the purpose of prison reforming them and does not allow them a fair second chance. On the other hand, it can be argued that criminals deserve to be confined, and should be punished for what they've done to teach them a