Human life is the most important part of existence, and it will be first thing that people will try to protect. This is a main reason why people are very suspicious of the government spending money on programs that may not protect and improve their lives. However, According to Source C, only $0.06 worth of every tax dollar was used on programs including space. This is not a very big percentage of tax dollars being used compared to $0.10 of every tax dollar being spent towards health. According to Source D, “The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Helping to lead the way toward important medical discoveries that improve people’s health and save lives, NIH scientists investigate ways to prevent disease as well as the causes, treatments, and even cures for common and rare diseases.” Both Source C and D prove that the United States government is worried first and foremost about the improving well-being of its citizens. As a result, the government is funding space exploration to further this. According to Source A, “Manned space exploration is the path to how we build a better life for ourselves here on Earth, and how we can give hope and provide inspiration for our youngsters to grow up, do the schoolwork, and accept the challenges that await them …show more content…
Since the dawning of time, groups of people have fought over something, and some have even lead to war. However, if space exploration is continuously improved, then this could unify countries. According to Source G, “ Notice how many more nations are talking about and wanting to get into the manned space act. India, Russia, China, Japan, and the European Space Agency, for starters, all want a manned mission to the Moon and it won’t stop there. These countries and agencies know that manned space exploration builds wealth for their nation, solves problems and enhances life for their people right here on Earth, and shows us the way for how we can all live together in peace.” This could continue to improve the lives of people all around the world, and bring peace like never before to the world, but in order to realize and achieve this, the world leaders need to experience the thrill of space first. According to Source G, “I think the view from 100,000 miles could be invaluable in getting people together to work out joint solutions, by causing them to realize that the planet we share unites us in a way far more basic and far more important than differences in skin color or religion or economic system.” By being in space, world leaders could realize that we all share the world together. As a result, this could improve human life and begin the unification of