Special Agent Job

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Pages: 6

I would like to be a Special Agent with the FBI because ever since I was little I have always wanted to be involved with the FBI. I used to watch a show called the X-Files with my dad and the agents, Mulder and Scully, always made the job look interesting. I think it would be an interesting job to go to everyday and there will be something new everyday. In the long term I would still enjoy it because it wouldn’t be your usual 9-5. I also feel like any work that’s given to me will peak my interest and make me keep wanting to go to work. Working with the FBI sounds challenging especially if you are an agent. I like challenges and look forward to being challenged to do my best everyday.
I have always been compelled to find answers to questions I have on situations and have never settled for less. I like to do my own investigating and find out what’s behind the stuff that doesn't quite add up. It is satisfying figuring out a problem yourself and even better yet, solving the problem. I have done some reading about being a Special Agent and despite it being interesting, it is a hard job and sometimes even
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All of these subjects are an important part of my education requirements for this job. I feel like some important classes from the catalog are Intro to Criminal Justice, Mental Illness & Crime, and Victimology. I think Intro to Criminal Justice is a helpful class to start out with because it gives you an outline on Criminal Justice and what to expect when you continue on pursuing a degree in this career. I feel like Mental Illness and Crime would be a helpful class if you wanted to learn more about how mental illness plays a big role in crime. Lastly, I think Victimology would be a helpful class to take because it will help you understand what victims go through and how to help