Standard Stroke Therapy

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Pages: 5

Identifying a Researchable Problem
Area of Interest
My area of interest is psychiatric nursing. This is one of the most important roles in the nursing sector. Just as the term implies, this category of nursing deals with patients suffering from mental illnesses such as anxiety, post-traumatic disorders, and stress disorders, among others. Patients suffering from these conditions are in most cases highly irritable. They can, therefore, show signs of anger and violence (Arnetz et al., 2015). When this happens, proper measures should be taken to restrain or seclude these patients from targeting members of staff or civilians.
In this context, the problem that I have selected is managing violent behaviors in high-risk mentally ill patients. Since
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The former is less invasive than the latter. People seeking short-term treatment of depression would most likely settle for exercises or therapeutic interventions.
3. For middle-aged adults who have suffered a stroke (P), how effective is acupuncture (I) compared to standard stroke therapy (C) in improving mobility (O) over a one year period (T)?
The use of acupuncture and standard stroke therapy are the most common interventions when a stroke has occurred. Since patient mobility is impaired by this occurrence, acupuncture is deemed a better option due to its ability to strengthen body muscles and limbs.
4. In patients suffering from schizophrenia (P), how do social skills training sessions (I) compared to standard care (C) increase conversational skills (O) within an 8-month timeframe (T)?
Schizophrenia is one of the most common psychological problems in middle-aged adults. It affects someone’s ability to feel, think, and behave properly. The application of social skills training has been deemed more suitable than standard care in many instances. It is necessary to figure out if that is the
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This variable seeks to figure out whether seclusion is truly the last resort in dealing with violent psychiatric cases. There are many other options that can be taken up and this acts as a reversal other proposal about seclusion.
Outcome (O): The expected outcome is the effective management of violent behavior in high-risk mentally-ill people. It is necessary to know whether seclusion or non-seclusion works the best in this scenario. The outcome should be a reduction of violent behavior. If that does not turn out to be the case, the intervention is deemed unfeasible.
Timeline (T): Whereas no specific schedule has been given for the proposed PICOT question, some of these variables should be made time-bound. For instance, it is necessary to know how much time the patients will be subjected to seclusion because of their violent behavior. Too much seclusion could lead to serious mental aggravation.
10 Possible Keywords
The following keywords areas are a vital part of the research process. They are all closely related to the primary PICOT question as illustrated in the previous