Standardized Regression Analysis

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Pages: 2

The different types of standardized assessments are achievement tests (norm-referenced and criterion-referenced), intelligence test, and diagnostic tests. Achievement tests measure the current level of a student’s performance in a variety of areas (DeVries 2011). Achievement tests are not used to determine what students are capable of; they are designed to evaluate what they know and their level of skill. There are two types of standardized achievement tests, norm-reference and criterion reference tests. Norm-references tests are assessment instruments that compares a student's test performance with that of a sample of similar students who have taken the same test in order to develop norms. Norm-reference test exists for a variety of subjects (reading, mathematics, social studied and science). According to …show more content…
Criterion-referenced tests are used to evaluate whether students have learned a specific body of knowledge or acquired a specific skill set. Per DeVries (2011), one advantage of a criterion-reference test is that they help teachers identify a student’s area of improvement so they can plan instruction based on the students’ needs. There are state designed criterion reference test, that align to state standards/benchmarks. Each state designs test that reflect its state standard, allowing teachers to use these standards to monitor their students’ growth patterns. There are also state designed criterion-references test for English Language Learners. According to DeVries (2011), states are required to have in place standards and assessments for English language proficiency of ELLs as well as having the capacity to ensure ELLs meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all students. School districts use standardized tests to not only determine if ELLs are meeting the standards, but if the program is meeting the needs of