I sat up in the discomfort of my bed noticing that my sleep had been slightly less afflictive than usual. It was then that I noticed there was no sign of the vexatious figure I was so used to leaving every morning. Peering across the hall I could see the gaping door to the mysterious lair of Evie Silver. What used to be a sight to comfort me as I laid next to my negligible wife was now ominously vacant. I felt a twinge in my chest knowing that my morning would be ruined by Zoe’s tainting presence. I slid out of bed with a newfound agility, and as I made my way down the usually obnoxious staircase I realized that each step grew more and more silent until my presence was seemingly mute. Rather than partaking in my usual descent into the main entry point of the kitchen, I slinked over to the side of the entryway and found myself listening to the strangest of conversations that seemed to have an inconceivable hidden meaning behind the querulous voice that droned