Also, there were 6700 people of that age group with chlamydia and it escalated to 19000 by 2010. In addition, the number of elders with HIV has doubled up. It is difficult to completely understand exactly the reason for STDs growing among older people due to the lack or research. Although, Eli Coleman, director of the Program in Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota Medical School, analyzes that longer lives with increasing divorce rates may be the cause of older people to have more sex partners than in their past years. Coleman also reveals that the older generation’s view of condoms and safe sex is also most likely less knowledgeable than the younger generation; consequently, they were less likely to protect themselves. It is also valid to assume that older people are changing their lives and going back into the option of dating and with that, they do not have the knowledge of proper safe sex practices. “People are making midlife changes and going back into dating and maybe never have used condoms when they started out many years ago,” Coleman said. (Ringwalt) A 2010 study of sexual health from Indiana University discovered that people ages forty-five and older have the lowest condom use. The authors of that study reveal the bashfulness of recommending the importance of sexual health in their older patients or may not see the risk in having an STD overall. (Sexually) Many people wrongly