Stephen Hawking Research Paper

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Pages: 4

From being an unpopular mathematics student at oxford to becoming a common household name, Stephen Hawking is one of the most influential people in modern day physics. He has struggled in his life battling the horrible disease that is ALS. Stephen Hawking has had theories that were very dominant in the fields of black holes. We will discover how the horrendous disease robbed him from his speech and mobility, and how he has overcome it. As well as how he is an inspiration for people much like myself to overcome these challenges.

Stephen William Hawking was born on January the 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England, making him 73 years old as of September 2015. Stephen says that he had troubles with reading and writing in his primary years of education,
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Other than asthma which I have found ways to deal with, I grew up with intense eczema, which restricted me from sun tanning, or just looking normal compared to everyone else. I never let asthma get in my way of playing sports, I just merely ignored it, I did believe that I had it, even with the constant attacks that used to occur whilst playing my favorite sports. Eczema also restricted me from playing sports, i could not sleep at night because of it, I would stay up all night crying from the pain, I would have eczema on places where I needed in order to play sports, yet I still played sports, as they were and still are my favourite things. I can relate to Stephen Hawking in this regard. Most people get diagnosed with ALS after they are 50 years old, and die almost five years after, yet Stephen was diagnosed when he was 21, and he has been battling it for almost 51 years now. His struggle and strength inspires me and many others to see that life has its challenges yet you can not let them get in the way you of doing what you love. For Stephen Hawking, he loved physics and cosmology, for me it is playing sports and being surrounded with my closest friends and not feeling like anyone one of us is …show more content…
That lead him to having to attend a Viva, which is an oral examination. At that examination, his famous quote was said: “If you award me a First, I will go to Cambridge. If I receive a Second, I shall stay in Oxford, so I expect you will give me a First.” His professor suggested that they do so, as he was someone who seemed far too intelligent. He later finished his at Cambridge receiving a first-class honours degree. Stephen had troubles once he achieved his doctor's degree, his supervisor was not the one he had hoped for. After being diagnosed with motor neurone disease, Stephen had great depression, although his doctors still advised him to teach, he saw there was little point left. In 1965, Hawking wrote his thesis about Roger Penrose's theorem of a spacetime singularity in the centre of black holes. On March 1966, Hawking obtained his PhD degree in cosmology and his essay entitled "Singularities and the Geometry of Space-Time" shared top honours with one by Penrose to win that year's prestigious Adams