The causes of wWhere your family is located on the social class is monumental as students in the lower class went to working-class schools while students in middle-class go to the middle class, which is one step ahead of the working-class schools. While the upper class students go to affluent professional school, and executive elite schools. While the effect of this situation is phenomenal as it would only limit the amount of education a student may …show more content…
The author of “Still Separate, Still Unequal”, Kozol, states “highschool students are required to take two course in a area of study called “The Technical Arts” which… At Fremont High, the requirement was met with courses that were basically vocational… Mireya, for example, who had plans to go to college, told be that she had to take a sewing class last year and now she has to talk a class in hairdressing” (Kozol 184-185) Mireya when asked what class she wanted to take instead of hairdressing responded with an AP class which prompted another student to talk