Stomach Virus Short Story

Words: 1283
Pages: 6

When I got the stomach virus I was so sick.It was Jess, Shane, and I.Jess was a 25,5ft tall with brown hair, brown eyes, with olive colored skin. Shane was 5ft 5in with blond hair, blue eyes and paper white skin, also he was super strong. When we got in the car it was so dirty and I realized that it was about 12:30 at night a wet, cold, foggy, stormy night it was also lighting really bad. On our way to the hospital, all I could see was water because it was pouring rain. When we get to the hospital I looked at the outside of the building it is really nasty and dirty. When we get inside it looked even worse than the outside. Inside there was vomit everywhere I vividly remember the small because It smelled of stale beer and vomit. All I could …show more content…
I knew at the time that I could trust him more than I could trust my own mother.He actually did what he said he was going to do when he said he was going too and I was surprised because he was the first of her long string of boyfriends who actually tried to protect me. Which I felt was really awesome and special in that moment I know that no matter what took place he would always be there for me. We had a really special bond for the rest of the time that I spent at mothers.It was my mom's fault that I got sick since she was out partying all night(stuff like drinking, drugs, and things like that). My mother left me with someone she had barely known in fact she had truly only known her for 2 weeks. The person she left me with slept all day and only had unhealthy food(like cookies, cereal, pop, and candy). The reason I got sick was that I was eating unhealthily at the time and I was living in a really dirty place that was never cleaned it smelled of cat, dog, and had dirty clothes piled up to the ceilings. All I knew was that I wanted to stay with Shane because I would have been living with him and my brother Tyler Michael. Shane promised me that I would have still been able to see my biological family whenever I wanted too and spend as much time over there as I wanted to. Because they lived right next door to us. The only way I would be able to do that though is by keeping …show more content…
He also kept the promise that he would protect me until 2014. When he got killed in a drunk driving accident the driver hit him head-on when the windshield shattered the glass punctured his lung. The car went up in flames he was wedged in between the seat of the car and the wheel, in the end, there was nothing they could have done to save him. When the accident happened I was a complete wreck I thought everything was over I got separated from my biological family.I also lost someone that I felt was more of a dad to me than my biological dad. All I knew was that I was really hurt me when he died and all I felt was anger and sadness. I didn't understand why God took him me and my brother. I guess in the end what happened was for the best because after he passed away I got adopted and my brother got to live with his biological family, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it that was a much better fit for the both of us.It took some time to get used to the fact that I was not going to be with my siblings, not be able to see them every day, and not being able to see my biological family.In the end, everything ended up perfect and the complete right fit for me. I feel like what I wanted you to get ut if this is that no matter what takes place in your life you can overcome