Stonewall Riots Research Paper

Words: 463
Pages: 2

When we first began to search for our NHD topic we knew that we wanted to pick one that was important to our society today. When we found out about the Stonewall Riots we immediately became entranced by their story. How could a topic, which had just started to be noticed by our society, have such an old and deep history? In today’s society, the LGBT community is beginning to become a much more important topic than before. But we had never stopped to question it. Why now, of all times? Why hadn’t LGBT rights been granted sooner, and how did the rights movement begin in the first place? When we found out that the Stonewall Uprising was one of the first events to kick off the LGBT rights movement, we decided it was a good fit for the 2016 National History Day topic; Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History, because during these riots, New York citizens Encountered a society that they had never seen before, and the Stonewall Riots allowed New York, and the rest of the …show more content…
We wanted to research the beginning; the riots that first started bringing attention to the people in this community. We know about the recent events; legalization of gay marriage, LGBT awareness, and we are beginning to accept this sub-culture into our society. But one event, the Stonewall Riots, was at the root of the LGBT rights movement, an event that impacted society like a bullet. Before the protests at Stonewall, many people had no idea that the LGBT community was even a real thing. Once we found out that Stonewall was the start of the explosion of LGBT awareness in the US, we decided to find out the real events that happened during those days in the 1960’s. This proved to be difficult, as back then when these events occurred, no one wanted to interview or take pictures of the people at the riots. Photos and primary sources were scarce. It took us a bit, but soon we had found enough