Stonewall Riots Research Paper

Words: 615
Pages: 3

The New York Times article on the Stonewall Riots that occurred on June 28, 1969 gives a true description of what transpired that day. There were violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a legally justified police raid that took place that early morning in Greenwich Village. The club among other violations was serving liquor without a license. In the 1950s and 1960s few businesses welcomed openly gay people, those that did were often bars. A significant number had already been closed, making the gay community worry the police department was targeting their clubs. This event is considered to be the most important event in the gay liberation movement. The newspaper on June 29,1969 covered a story title 4 Policemen Hurt In ‘Village Raid’, The article states that “plain clothes men” undercover police officers raided the Stonewall bar, owned by the Mafia, known to cater to homosexual clientele. The ownership could …show more content…
The police confiscated cases of liquor. The owner of the bar and employees were arrested. The crowd began throwing bottles at the police when three drag queens and a lesbian were forced into the police vehicles. Many of the young men were arrested because they were throwing objects and fighting against police officers. Two policemen sustained minor injuries and were forced to take shelter inside the bar. New York’s riot police was deployed to restore order. The article states “Arrested in the melee, was David Van Ronk, 33 years old, of 15 Sheridan Square, a well known folk singer. He was accused of having thrown a heavy object at a policeman and later paroled in his own recognizance.” Several days of demonstrations incited the formation of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual civil rights organizations as well as others. Local residents organized into groups and focused on setting up places for gays and lesbians to be without fear of the being