Stuttering Research Paper

Words: 1048
Pages: 5

Identifying Information
Megan is a 21 year old college senior who stutters. It seems like she can’t remember a time that you didn’t worry about talking without stuttering. She always felt different because no one else in her family stutters. Her family always asks her to begin again when she stutters. Megan’s father seems embarrassed by her speech but her mother and sister don’t seem to worry so much. Her stuttering is quite variable with her family. She doesn’t stutter with friends in an informal atmosphere or when singing. Meghan does stutter on the phone and when speaking in front of groups. Most of the time she repeats the sounds /s/ and /t/ in the beginning of a word but sometimes she blocks and can’t get the words out for up
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Meagan’s mom mentioned to her how Meagan has struggled with stuttering since she started talking a little, but significantly got worse during preschool or that is when her mom really started to recognize it. It suddenly got so bad that Megan’s sheets from school asked her mom to go talk to the teacher every week because Ms. Carter was unaware on how to handle the situation. She beginnings daily stuttering at the sounds /s/ and /t/ in the beginning of a word, but occasionally she would block things out and then finally when Megan couldn’t get the words out for up to a minute that is when she declared conferences every week. So, in Meagan’s mind it is for as long as she can remember When she was four, that is when Megan was diagnosed with stuttering issue and started going to therapy in the 1st grade after the school finally hired an SLP. When she is around a coffee shop, listening or singing music, reading a book on the beach, or hanging out with her friends on the quad she does not struggling with stuttering at all. Yet, when she is with her family or giving a huge report in front a class a hundred plus she can go blank on what to say for at least a minute. Megan has a big family of like fifty cousins, she feels as though when she is around them her stuttering occurs they all judge her which only causes Meagan’s stuttering to increase. When Megan is one-on-one with some of her closer relatives her stuttering tends to go away and she feels very connected with them. Meagan mentioned how if she wasn't always put on the spotlight she would do better at her speaking and her stuttering would not be as quite a