Substance Abuse Research Paper

Words: 918
Pages: 4

Jaris Fulghem
Professor Howard
English Comp 1
07 October, 2014
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse all starts with a gateway. And a lot of times that gateway is weed, then it escalates to pills like ecstasy or other stronger drugs. The escalated fever of mixing different types of drugs into a cocktail all to make that euphoric feeling of the rush last longer. These substances will not only ruin the users life, it will also ruin family and friendships that will take lifetimes to repair. I took copious amounts of these drugs every day for as long as two years until I had a bad trip one night and went into toxic psychosis. I prayed and cried for this feeling to go away, I had voices in my head, I had the shakes and couldn't leave home for six months.
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These substance will not only ruin the users life, it will also ruin family and friendships that will take lifetimes to repair. I took copious amounts of these chemicals every day for as long as two years until I had a bad trip one night and went into toxic psychosis. I prayed and cried for this feeling to go away, I had voices in my head, had the shakes and couldn't leave home for six months. I became very withdrawn and thought everyone was watching me. I couldn’t walk in public places. Man! I couldn’t even drive. These are just some of the symptoms that are caused for substance abuse. Maybe people have preconceived notions about this topic, however there is also a brighter side to this particular topic. The term substance abuse has a huge range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions imply a negative judgment of the drug use in question . Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, substituted amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opioids. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, both …show more content…
The exact cause of substance abuse is impossible to know because there is not just one direct cause. However substance abuse and addiction is known to run in families. One Theory suggests substance abuse is learned there for people subjected to substance abuse by those around them begin to copy the same behaviors. Substance abuse might start out as a bad habit but when and if addiction develops it manifests as a chronic debilitating disease.. People tend to look at it in various forms to make it seem socially acceptable. One that is popular with a lot of youth today is partying. Partying gives the connotation of an enjoyable time with different groups of friends and possible meeting new people. However today whenever anyone talks about partying, immediate thoughts go to people getting excessively drunk to have fun with friends. Substance abuse is defined as the excessive use of a drug such as alcohol, narcotics, or cocaine use of a drug without medical