Suicide Bombing Research Paper

Words: 467
Pages: 2

llustration Essay Are suicide bomber terrorists well-educated, mentally healthy, and morally driven? Suicide bombing attacks have become a weapon of choice among terrorist groups because of their lethality and ability to cause fear and or mayhem. A suicide bomber usually is not mentally ill nor insane. Other suicide bombings are done for an ethnic or religious group. Suicide bomber terrorists usually do these acts because they have little to lose like their family. Suicide bomber terrorist groups are violent attackers who expect to die in the process. They target big groups of people at important events that are taking place in which they plan to take as many people out with them as possible. Suicide bomber terrorists are well educated in a sense of terrorism, they are given …show more content…
These terrorists do these attacks at important places to eliminate groups of people in whom they disagree with or to just crash a huge public event to get a point across. Most of them will do it because they disagree with a topic and have lost their valuable family. Suicide bombing as a whole is very gruesome and inhumane. It is hard to believe what people will do for attention. Bombers will ruin people's life just because of a simple disagreement leaving them dead or amputated if lucky. Suicide bombing is the most virulent and horrifying type of terrorism.
Muhammad, the Islam god, promised those mujahideen who fight in a jihad war a reward of virgins in paradise. In Islamic practice, the martyr is one killed in jihad. The bomber is entitled to special status in paradise and on Judgment Day. In Judaism and Christianity, a martyr is someone who endures torture and death rather than renounce his or her belief. To people in these groups, suicide bombing is a way of releasing a group of people to the promise land where all their dreams will come true. Although most people see it backwards thinking its is very cruel and