Schools have a new device called the smart board where teachers no longer have to write with chalk on a black board. Teacher now have this smart board where they can research or create simple lesson plans for the students. The smart board also can detect if the student answer is right or wrong and explains in the simplest detail why or why not the answer is correct. In the article Dave Bowman is an astronaut, which keep questioning himself on how smart he is becoming after using technology. Dave explains how his interest in reading is decreasing more each year. In the first paragraph he state “Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling through the long stretches of prose. That’s rarely the case anymore.” In these two sentences Dave explain how easy it was for him to read book and articles. He would not only read them but also enjoy reading them. Dave explains how he would stimulate his brain by reading and gathering information from articles to apply in his everyday life. Reading was Dave’s ways of entertaining himself; which now that not the case anymore with him. Bowman feels that just a decade ago before technology popularity increased going to libraries, searching answer to papers using an encyclopedia was the only way do get essay papers done. Bowman explains the struggle he was feeling after