Summary Of Touching Spirit Bear

Words: 502
Pages: 3

The novel “Touching Spirit Bear” shows a great sense of healing and has an overall great message. In this novel, there was an uprising between the two boys, but before that happened, there were so many good parts. Some things I really enjoyed the healing process, including the ancestor rock and totem pole, and the attack of the bear, and Coles attack on Peter. Below I will share 3 of the best parts in my opinion. My first favorite part is when Cole beats up Peter. This may seem like a horrible favorite part, but, it gets the story plot down and tells how the book is going to go. Cole smashes his head into the concrete and beats him up. This is all because Peter snitched on Cole for robbing a store. This attack leaves Peter stumbling when walking, stuttering, suicidal, and his brain messed up. Because of the attack Cole gets sent to the island which gets the whole purpose of the book started and when Peter comes to the island it affects him. That is why this is one of my favorite parts. …show more content…
Cole burns down his shelter out of anger. Just a few nights in, Cole sees the spirit bear. Cole tries to scare it off, but it's not scared of him, and this makes Cole enraged. Cole tries to attack, but the bear is stronger than Cole. He always believed he was the strongest and toughest out there, but the bear proved that wrong, breaking his ribs, arm, cutting his chest open, and more. Cole lays there lifeless and has no hope, he eats bugs and grass and even a live mouse to survive. Luckily, Edwin and Garvey arrive and can save him. That is my second favorite part of this