Summary Of Touching Spirit Bear

Words: 797
Pages: 4

What I like about the novel Touching Spirit Bear is the transformation we see inside of Cole Mathews and Peter Driscal due to the radically different ways they were, how Peter became sort of like Cole but then they both ultimately healed in the end. A quick summarization now, Cole Matthews a very irresponsible juvenile delinquent has an abusive father and an alcoholic mother, Cole being abused most of his life has developed severe anger issues and pushes, punishes, beats up, etc, anybody at his school who “disobeys” him and has been to juvie a number of times but always gets bailed out by his fancy pants rich father who can afford a top-notch lawyer, however, one day at school Peter told some adults about something Cole did. Cole went berserk …show more content…
Due to the significance of the crime Cole went to Juvie, but he could choose to join Circle Justice instead, so seeing a way out of having to go to Juvie Cole accepts, this time instead of a judge Cole found himself testifying in front of Circle Justice, they believed his lies so they allowed him to go to the island for rehabilitation, his parole officer Garvey, and Edwin a Tlingit elder accompany him to the island to give him supervision and babysit him. Cole had it nice on the island as the circle provided him with supplies and shelter but as soon as Garvey and Edwin leave Cole burns the shelter, tries to swim away, but in the end gets washed back to shore where he has to wait until the waves aren’t as fierce. In the meantime, he forages and hunts for food but encounters the spirit bear, he tries to attack the bear with his knife but because it’s a literal bear, it destroys and cripples Cole, laying down bleeding out Cole has time to think about his life and his choices before a thunderstorm rolls around and knocks and also kills baby sparrows, the first thing Cole has ever felt