economy is helped immensely by immigrants. There have been multiple studies done that support this as well. A study by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that immigration delivered a “significant positive gain to the U.S. economy”(Grisworld). This shows that immigration doesn’t hurt the economy but provides significant gains to it. Furthermore, Foreign people provide the new ideas and skills that make things change in the country. They bring over everything they know and with the God given rights in the U.S. they are able to develop new products and business to help ease people’s lives everyday. Immigrants are not afraid to work. They have a very respectable work ethic and often work harder than some native borns. Some of the biggest cities around the country that are dominated by foreign workers make a huge impact to the economy. These cities have become “economic powerhouses, accounting for roughly one-fifth of the country’s gross domestic product” (Hesson). So, it’s evident that immigrants work hard to help the nation strive. While many immigants want jobs, so do the native-born people.
The U.S. native born workforce is aided by the legal immigrants that come into the country. There is a larger work-force and a higher wage rates due to immigration. Its pretty easy to find information to back that up, you just have to look at the stats. “The U.S. work-force has more than doubled since World War II, yet workers' real total compensation (wages plus benefits)