According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana poses many negative effects on a user’s daily life. It is known to decrease motivation, which can affect one’s school or work performance. It can also affect one’s social life and cognitive abilities. Marijuana user may see their work accidents which lead to more worker’s compensation claims. Marijuana use has been connected to increased absences and decreased work performance. These factors can eventually read to a marijuana user losing job over drug use (Marijuana Social Impact , n.d.). One study among postal workers found that employee’s urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent greater absenteeism compared with those who tested negative for marijuana (How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life? , 2015). According to, heavy marijuana affects perception and judgement and is associated with low achievement. It also causes memory and learning problems, which affect those in high school or college and which is strongly associated with poor school performance. Among adolescents with pre-existing education difficulties, marijuana use may lead to school failure, an event with lifelong consequences or occupational opportunities. On the other hand, among adults, marijuana is associated with lower occupational status and higher unemployment (The …show more content…
Although many recreational users say that smoking marijuana calms down, for others it has the opposite effect. In fact, the most commonly reported side effects of smoking marijuana are intense anxiety and panic attacks. Marijuana also causes mood disorders. In some users, the symptoms of depression increased or the development of this disorder promoted. For example, an Australian study that followed the outcomes of 1,601 students found that those who used marijuana at least once a week at ages 14 or 15 were twice as likely to develop depression seven years later as those who never smoke substance – even after adjusting for other factors (Medical Marijuana and the mind,