Surface Run Off Research

Words: 1241
Pages: 5

Surface run off
To assess how the green roofs reduce surface run off I researched online and carried out a small scale experiment . The research revealed that green roofs store water in the plants and release it back into the atmosphere via evapotranspiration . It is said that 50-90 percent of the total run off can be reduced by the use of a greenroof.

In my experiment, I had 3 litres of water ( with a few leaves and stones ) and 2 of 0.5m by 0.5m of metal tops that could hold the layer of water . One was plain while the other one had very little vegetation on it( 4mm height of the sand with different plants on it). I also had two different containers ( which were marked up until 0.5 L) to collect the water that ran off these
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Take the 2 tin tops and place them next to each other.
2. Take 0.5 L of water and pour it evenly onto the blank tin top. ( use coke bottle)
3. Let the water stay on this tin top for exactly 4 minutes
4. Carefully pour all the water left on the tin top into the container with the measurements on it
5. Measure the amount of water that was recovered from the tin top after 4 minutes
6. Record that amount under try 1 in your table
7. Take 0.5 L of water and pour it evenly onto the tin top with the vegetation in it. ( use coke bottle)
8. Let the water stay on this tin top for exactly 4 minutes
9. Carefully pour all the water left on the tin top into the container with the measurements on it
10. Measure the amount of water that was recovered from the tin top after 4 minutes
11. Record that amount under try 1 in your table
12. Repeat this experiment twice and work out an average amount of water collected from the 2 tin
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Green roofs do the same job as forests. With the increased amount of deforestation and pollution that is going on, green roofs are needed to keep the water and air quality high. Green roofs help remove the airborne particles, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds from the atmosphere. The contaminants are then trapped in the soil of the green roof and do not flow into water streams, improving local water quality. Reducing Temperatures on the