Survey Residential Essay

Submitted By jproonthego
Words: 719
Pages: 3

1. How long have you lived in Phoenix?
○ less than one year.
○ 1-3 years
○ 3-5 years
○ over 5 years.

2. What is your age?
○ under 18
○ 18-24
○ 24-35
○ 35-49
○ 50+

3. How many children under the age of 12 live in your home?
○ 0
○ 1
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4+

4. How many bedrooms are in your home?
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4
○ 5+

5. Do you own or rent your residence?
○ own
○ rent

6. What is your annual household income?
○less than $25,000
○ $25,001- $39,000
○ $39,001- $55,000
○ $55,001+
○ I prefer not to say.

7. What was the primary reason for choosing to live in Phoenix?
○ School district quality
○ Price of your residence.
○ Proximity to employment.
○ Convenience of shopping.
○ Other __________________________________________

8. How many times in the last month have you and/or your family eaten at a restaurant?
○ 0
○ 1-2
○ 3-4
○ 5-9
○ 10+

9. How many times in the last month have you and/or your family eaten at a restaurant in Phoenix?
○ 0
○ 1-2
○ 3-4
○ 5-9
○ 10+

10. If you visited a restaurant outside of Phoenix in the past month, where was it located?
○ Batavia
○ North Phoenix
○ Naperville
○ Oswego
○ Other ____________________________________
○ N/A, I only visited restaurants in Phoenix.

11. If you visited a restaurant outside of Phoenix in the past month, what was the primary reason for doing so?
○ Meeting with friends and/or family in a central location.
○ The type of food I wanted was not available at a restaurant in Phoenix.
○ The surrounding neighborhood of the restaurant offered shopping and entertainment afterwards.
○ Other___________________________________________
○ N/A, I only visited restaurants in Phoenix.

12. What type of restaurant do you most frequently visit?
○ Fast-food
○ Casual (ex. Chilis, TGIFridays, etc)
○ Formal (ex. Morton’s Steakhouse)
○ Other_____________________________________________________
13. How many times in the last month have you visited a retail establishment?
○ 0
○ 1-2
○ 3-4
○ 5-9
○ 10+

14. How many times in the last month have you visited a retail establishment in Phoenix?
○ 0
○ 1-2
○ 3-4
○ 5-9
○ 10+

15. If you visited retail establishments outside of Phoenix in the last month, what was your primary reason for doing so?
○ The product I wanted was not available in Phoenix.
○ The price was better at a store not located in Phoenix.
○ I only visited retail establishments in Phoenix.
○ Other________________________________________________________

16. If you visited retail establishments outside of Phoenix in the last month, where were they located?
○ Batavia
○ North Phoenix
○ Naperville
○ Oswego
○ other ________________________________________
○ N/A, I did not visit retail establishments outside of Phoenix.

17. How many times in the last month have you purchased professional services? Note: Professional services consist of attorneys, doctors, accountant, dry cleaning, etc.
○ 0
○ 3-4
○ 5-9
○ 10+

18. What types of professional services did you use over the last month?
○ Medical (doctor, dentist, veterinarian)
○ Accountant
○ Attorney
○ Cleaning professional (dry cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc.)
○ Other _________________________________________________

19. What type of venues do you utilize in downtown Phoenix?
○ Dining & Drinks
○ Arts & Music
○ Museums
○ Parks

20. What is your favorite restaurant in downtown Phoenix?
○ Ballydoyles
○ The Roundhouse/Two Brothers
○ River’s Edge Café
○ Chef Amoury at 33 West
○ Other______________________________________________.

21. Which of the following entertainment venues in downtown Phoenix have you visited in the last year?
○ The Paramount Theater
○ The Riverfront Play House
○ The Hollywood Casino
○ Other___________________________________________.
○ I have not visited any entertainment venues in Phoenix in the last year.

22. Which of the