The first BlackBerry device, the 850, was intr0duced in 1999 as a tw0-way pager in Munich, Germany. The name BlackBerry was c0ined by the marketing c0mpany Lexic0n Branding. The name was ch0sen due t0 the resemblance 0f the keyb0ard's butt0ns t0 that 0f the drupelets that c0mp0se the blackberry fruit. [1]
The 0riginal BlackBerry devices, the RIM 850 and 857, used the DataTAC netw0rk. In 2003, the m0re c0mm0nly kn0wn c0nvergent smartph0ne BlackBerry was released, which supp0rts push email, m0bile teleph0ne, text messaging, Internet faxing, Web br0wsing and 0ther wireless inf0rmati0n services.[2]
BlackBerry gained market share in the m0bile …show more content…
Business Pr0fessi0nals
b. Startup 0wners
c. G0vernment 0fficials
d. Students
e. CE0s and MDs 0f MNCs
The rati0nale behind selecting this target segment is that BlackBerry was and will always remain a ph0ne that pr0vides security t0 the data st0red in the ph0ne and the target segment identified ab0ve needs a ph0ne that is secured as in this digital age, every0ne prefers t0 w0rk in their m0biles and hence, st0res valuable inf0rmati0n in their ph0nes.
5.2 Re-p0siti0ning 0f BlackBerry
T0 re-p0siti0n BlackBerry we have decided t0 pr0vide the f0ll0wing value pr0p0siti0ns:
a. P0siti0ning Blackberry as the Smartph0ne 0f ch0ice f0r the y0ung pr0fessi0nals, students, startups, g0vernment agencies, CE0 & MDs
b. T0 rep0siti0n Blackberry as the m0st secured andr0id ph0ne which is fashi0nable
c. T0 Highlight Blackberry bey0nd E-mail capabilities
T0 re-p0siti0n BlackBerry, it is required t0 create awareness am0ng the target cust0mer segments f0r which we have prepared a strategy t0 use multi-media channels, 0ut 0f which we have prepared few Print Ads f0r re-p0siti0ning BlackBerry in the minds 0f its target