They started as a DVD rental firm in 1997 and evolved into internet streaming services as the technology has evolved from DVD to faster internet and powerful computers. They are one of the pioneers in the content streaming business and has moved to content and entertainment generation along with distribution. The company operates on cutting edge technology and the employees are primarily ( ~60% ) engineers.
Netflix introduced their new organizational culture by early 2011 which is based on the concept of freedom and responsibility. The company operates without much written policies and processes. Every employee is expected to perform based on their extreme depth of skills to the betterment of the organization and the organization focus on retaining the best of the employees who demonstrate and live by the 9 behaviors depicted by the company’s culture deck presented by the CEO. As expected, all the necessary requirements for a great workplace is included in the 9 behavioral traits such as good judgment, communication, an urgency to do great work ( Impact ), curiosity which explains the need to learn and keep one upskilled and rapidly innovate, open and courageous, passionate about their work, honesty and selflessness in the corporate …show more content…
As all the team members are left to mend their ways, either they are too busy or have a different view on the ‘context’ as set by the management, they run the risk of not receiving any timely feedback for course correction and there is no incentive for team work and collaboration. The heat generated in such an environment where each one try to outperform the others for sustainability would be substantially detrimental for an organization which rely on the team work and the customer support derived out of highly engaged