There are two types of syphilis distinguished: congenital and acquired. Generally, syphilis is a chronic infectious disease affecting all …show more content…
There are several tests for syphilis, including both rapid tests that are suitable for mass screening, as well as more accurate and specific, but also more labour-intensive methods. Although none of these methods can be considered completely reliable for the detection of primary syphilis, they can detect secondary syphilis in 100% of cases. A thorough examination of a patient for signs of primary or secondary syphilis is very important. Chancre on the cervix or vagina can only be detected in vaginal study, since they are usually painless. Microscopic examination of fluid taken from a chancre usually reveals spiral …show more content…
Therefore, the fore compliance with the rules of safe sex, the rejection of random connections, and in extreme cases – emergency prophylaxis after such links should be implemented. It should be remembered that a condom reduces the risk of contracting syphilis, but it does not fully insure against it. Unlike many other infectious diseases, syphilis does not create a strong immunity, and a person can get infected again. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment started, the more effective they would be. Hence, syphilis is one of the few diseases that might be cured with 100% success. For half a century Treponema pallidum has not lost its sensitivity to penicillin, which is the drug of choice for syphilis. There are various treatment regimens for syphilis, but nobody should trust doctors or clinics, which promise “full recovery after a single injection”. As a rule, even the most condensed circuit includes at least 2-3 administration of the drug. Additionally, treatment should always be accompanied by a laboratory control. Hence, the best way to stay protected from such an unpleasant disease is to follow moral and ethical rules of a human