Of course,the taiga has some of the world’s appealing animals. It has everything from the European Red Squirrel to …show more content…
The average precipitation is 12-33 inches. It is +5℃ to -5℃. The weather patterns are warm summers and cold winters. The taiga depends on two seasons which are winter and summer.
Environmental Disasters-
There are three environmental disasters in the taiga. One of them is logging. Logging causes disaster because people use the trees wood for fires and other stuff so all the trees in the taiga die. Another one is mining. People are digging holes to go mining and it is destroying the floor of the taiga. The last one is hydroelectric development. Hydroelectric development is when they turn water into energy. It causes environmental disaster by if a dam it could cause flooding in the surrounding areas.
Hopefully, you learned a bunch of new information about the taiga. One thing i didn’t tell you is that, the name “taiga” is Russian word that recognizes the swampy nature. Now you know everything that I know. So when are you leaving for your trip to the taiga biome? After learning about the stunning animals, superb plants, warm and cool weather, and environmental disasters, I checked my calendar for the next open weekend! The taiga is a picturesque place that everybody should definitely take a trip