Taliban Earthquake

Words: 944
Pages: 4

All you ever wanted to do was go to school, but you can’t because of the terrorist group, called the Taliban, is taking over you’re beautiful valley in your hometown of Swat. All you want is to go to you happiest place on Earth, school. Ever since the Taliban came in after the earthquake that rocked your valley and world into pieces. This soon became my reality and the same for my mother father, and brother. My life is about how I used to be allowed to go to the school, even though in was frowned upon, but then the taliban came and banned girls from going to school; I was, also, shot and transferred to England. Even though I had a good childhood, my favorite part was always going to school. One of my first memories, as a tiny three year old, was lecturing invisible people in an empty classroom at my father’s school (Yousafzai 20). However, before I could even begin going to the greatest place on Earth, I would play around with my brothers, Kushal and …show more content…
In fact, the Taliban would say to us on the radio, stop going to movies, stop dancing, stop listening to music, or God will send another earthquake to our valley (Yousafzai 39). An 7.6 earthquake, on the richter scale, rocked the valley of Swat, about a month and a half earlier, and the Taliban seeked the opportunity to take over the valley (Yousafzai 29-30). One day the Taliban sent my dad a letter threatening his school and he responded protecting his students (Yousafzai 52). My father did nothing when he got threatened by them, instead he began to speak out even more against the Taliban and grow his campaign for women education even more (Yousafzai 53). I soon began speaking out and protesting against the Taliban, and became an activists for women’s rights to education. The Taliban was awful, my father and I were on the Taliban’s list, and one day they caught up with