Talk Therapy Research Paper

Words: 1293
Pages: 6

If so, I extend thoughts of loving kindness your way.

If so, I can empathize with you.

Some years of your life are characterized by loss, and this has been such a year for me — maybe for you too. I have experienced loss by death, betrayal, promises broken, children growing, my youth departing, and people changing in ways I’d not anticipated.

These are all normal life disruptions, but this year they have crashed together like a 10-car pile-up, happening so quickly one after another that I’ve barely had time to catch my breath.

None of them alone have been debilitating, but the accumulative effects of all of them have found me falling in potholes of grief that appear unexpectedly. One moment all is well, the next my heart is in a vice, and I’ve completely lost my footing.

If you are experiencing loss, and the grief from loss, you know what I mean.

The big losses, like
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3. Talk about it.

I am a talker and must share my feelings in order to heal. Other people are more private about their pain and grief. But talking out problems, especially in a safe and supportive environment, has proven to promote self-healing through emotional disclosure. Talk therapy with a trained counselor is tremendously beneficial in dealing with grief and loss.

Talk therapy allows you to discuss issues that may be too difficult or painful to discuss with other people in your life and to process and work through these issues with a detached third party. In fact, talk therapy has proven to be more effective than antidepressants in treating mood disorders.

Talking with close and supportive friends and family members certainly can be helpful as well, but they are often too close to you and the situation to provide unbiased assistance. If you don’t think you can afford counseling, check out this information on finding free or low cost therapy.

4. Treat yourself