Ways that you exchange information with carers of babies and children under three years
Your evidence should also include information about the provision of babies’ and young children’s physical care needs and evidence that you take into account the preference of the carers in the provision of physical care.
Notice boards are displayed in the nursery for parents/carers to view and providing information and advice on healthcare issues and additional support needs. There is information what is happening that day, for example, snacks, lunches, activities and staff on duty that day.
Letters are sent out to carers about health issues at nursery, (nits, chicken pox and many other health concerns).
Children have a day book that is filled in each day by key worker providing parents/carers with information about their child, activities they did and nappies changed and any meals that they had. Also key worker reading any notes carers have wrote in book exchanging information.
Children all have a personal care plan filled in at the very start by the carer to ensure that the nursery supports the child’s dietary requirements or additional needs that may need.
Staff meetings are done regularly to reflect on practice, taking advice and rising any concerns that may need addressed.
Communication book is filled in daily logging any information parents/carers provide daily.
Menus are displayed to show parents what meals are planned for the month ahead. The Nursery has a Healthy Eating Policy. Our own staff, along with the children, will prepare healthy snacks of various fruits along with water or milk to drink. We use this time to encourage independence, social skills, healthy eating and cultural awareness. The children are introduced to a wide variety of tastes and types of foods, both familiar and new. The children are encouraged to try these foods in a relaxed setting but are never made to eat anything which they do not like.