Team Contract Essay example

Submitted By majotoscano
Words: 1484
Pages: 6

Team Contract
Interpersonal Communications
COMM1140 - Section 9
Team 5
Kathi Smith
March 2, 2015
I participated in formulating the standards, roles and procedures as stated in this contract.
a. I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and conditions.
b. I understand that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I will suffer the consequences as stated in this contract.
c. If the problem is escalated to the professor that s/he can have an impact on my marks or my further participation in the group and/or class.
d. I will be prepared to provide detailed feedback to each of my team members on their performance relative to the Performance Dimensions throughout the course.
Marissa Ouellette: ___________________________Date: ________________
Lee Sipes: __________________________________Date: ________________
Matthew Steffler: ____________________________Date: ________________
Maria Jose Toscano: _________________________Date: ________________

Statement of Shared Goals
As a team it is our goal to learn better communication with one another, to learn how to interact and coexist with people who have personalities that differ from our own and to achieve a high grade in the project portion of this course. We plan to work as a team to achieve deadlines and maintain a high level of teamwork and professionalism throughout the remainder of the semester.
Expectations of Performance Dimensions
Cooperation and Communication
Each team member is required monitor the method of communication chosen by the group at least twice a day and to respond to communications whether it is via email or Facebook within 12 hours of them being sent out. It is also required that team members assist other members when they are in need of help.
If a team member has failed to respond within 12 hours they will be reminded of the contract communication policy and will be given a warning. A second offence will lead to the notification of the teacher on the issue. This will be marked out of 2.
Checks email often and responds within 12 hours
Checks email on occasion and/or forgets to respond on occasion
Does not check email and/or does not respond.

Research & Idea Contribution for Contract and Presentation
Each team member is required to attend all team meetings to discuss the project and receive their individual work portions, which they must complete by the agreed date. All members must research and gather information as well as contribute their own ideas.
If a team member fails to attend to more than one meeting without any explanation or fails to complete their given task, the teacher will be copied on correspondence among the team about the issue. This will be marked out of 2.
Attends all meetings
Shows up late or misses some scheduled meetings
Does not show up to any meetings

Contribution to the Team Contract & Presentation
For success in this project, team members must actively contribute their ideas or researched information during each team meeting. This also includes reviewing the work of teammates and providing constructive feedback on the contract and presentation to better the overall project.
If one team member shows up to team meetings with little to no work done and does not contribute with ideas and suggestions during the meeting, the teacher will be notified about this issue. This will be marked out of 2.
Actively contributes ideas and speaks out during meetings
Does not speak often and contributes only a few ideas.
(Social Loaf) Does not contribute to any meeting and is mentally elsewhere.

Work Ethic & Respect
For a team to be successful each team member need to respect one another. This is done by giving each team member time to speak and not acting rudely or disregarding others opinions and ideas. Team members will avoid placing blame when things go wrong, and will give everyone the opportunity for equal