Essay on Team Profile

Submitted By asg2001
Words: 2381
Pages: 10

Regents Business School, London

MA in Global Management
HRM 7100


Submitted To: Submitted By:
Paul Coldwell Vijeth Jayaram & (S00504499)
Adrian Thornley
Contents: Pg. No.

1) Introduction 03 2) People Oriented Roles 04 3) My Belbin Team Profile 05 4) Effectiveness of Different Team Combination 07 5) Teams Working Best 08 6) Conclusion 09 7) References 10

Belbin Team Profile:

In the year 1969 management psychologist Dr. Meredith Belbin was invited by Henley Management College to use Business Stimulation course which was set up for their students to use this game as a starting point to study the team behavior. From then on it took nine years of research to discover the nine roles. (Ww1)

Dr. Belbin called these nine roles as the ‘Team Roles’ and these roles are used to identify people’s behavioral strengths and weaknesses in a work place.

Dr. Meredith Belbin discovered nine team roles and classified them under three groups Action Oriented, People Oriented and Thought oriented.

Action Oriented Roles: * Shaper (SH):
Shapers are the ones who would push the team to improve. They are dynamic and extroverted people. Shapers are highly motivated, highly energetic and have a strong desire to achieve. They find their way around difficulties and they make sure things happen. They enjoy challenges and like to go head on with them and do not often loose their focus. Shapers main role in a team is to shape the team and create activities to achieve the team objectives and goals. Their potential weakness is that they can hurt people’s feels and can easily get irritated.

* Implementer (IMP):
Implementers are often described as practical, systematic, loyal, organized and conservative people. Implementers are people who get things done. The teams ideas and concepts are put to practical actions and plans by them. Implementers are needed to plan a practical, workable strategy and carry it out as efficiently as possible. Possible weakness is they lack flexibility and are resistant to change. (Ww2)

* Complete Finisher (CF):
Are most effective at the end of the task. They scrutinize and point out the faults to get out quality work in the end. They pay attention to the smallest detail. They are time conscious and make sure they finish before the deadline. They are described as perfectionists who are orderly, conscientious, and anxious. However they may incline to worry unduly and be reluctant to delegate work.

People Oriented Roles: * Coordinator (CO):
Coordinators are the leader material. They are good at allocating work. They are good listeners and recognize what each member of the team can bring to the table. They focus mainly on team objectives and direct the team towards it. They are calm and good-natured and delegate tasks very effectively. Potential weakness they may delegate away too much personal responsibility, they lack creativity and may tend to be manipulative.

* Team Worker (TW):
Co-operative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction. Team workers keep the team together and negotiate among the team members. These tend to be popular people who are very capable in their own right, but who prioritize team cohesion and helping people getting along. They adapt really well to different people and situation. Their weakness may be a tendency to avoid making decisions under difficult situations. (Ww3)

* Resource Investigator (RI):
They are often described as extrovert, innovative, curious and enthusiastic. They are good at exploring possible options, developing contacts and negotiating resources for the team. They help the team to reach their objectives by identifying and working with external stakeholders. They are over optimistic and loose their enthusiasm easily.