Technology Is Distracting Research Paper

Words: 523
Pages: 3

Technology is Distracting How much time do you spend on your phone? How about your computer? How often do you check your phone while you're out? Your response to these questions may surprise you. You're probably on technology a lot more than you believe. After all, in today's tech-driven world it's hard not to be incessantly distracted by technology. The truth is technology is distracting because we spend too time on it, and it lowers our attention span. Each year we spend an increased amount of time on technology. Generally speaking, its hard for us not to have our phones with us nonstop. With leading brands like Apple regularly releasing new products, it's easy to see why we're obsessed with technology. "Americans aged 18 and older spend more than 11 hours a day watching TV, listening to the radio or using smartphones and other electronic devices." (Ritcher) In addition, a research was conducted that says children and teenagers spend twice as much time with screens each year as they spend in school. (Ritchtel) …show more content…
Do you get distracted easily? Technology shortens our attention span. Even social media knows this. Tweets are only 140 seconds and vines are just 6 seconds long. We can get distracted by the littlest thing. "The human attention span has shortened to 8 seconds." (Borreli) In fact, there are some people who even say our attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish. "There is a widespread belief among teachers that students’ constant use of digital technology is hampering their attention spans" (Richtel) In short, technology is lowering our attention spans and with the releases of new technology each year its only going to get