Two to three sentence experiments and most important results.
Should explain reasons for doing experiments.
What is to be gained by doing such experiments.
Theory or Survey of Literature: A general literature survey of subjects pertaining to the experiment. Should include references to similar work done in the field of interest.
Experimental Procedures:
4.1 Explain the materials you used in your experiments (composition properties, etc.)
4.2 Explain step-by-step all the experiments performed (the equipment used must be described).
Experimental procedures should be described with enough details so that another investigator could repeat the same experiments and obtain similar results.
5. Experimental Results
Experimental results obtained by the procedure already reported should be described.
This section should include all raw and tabulated data as well as graphs and diagrams. Tables are designated by Roman numerals and should have titles. (Table I
Table II, etc.). Graphs and diagrams are designated as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc., and should also have titles. Do not fudge any data. Record all data as obtained. Later in the
Discussion of Results, it will be possible to explain some obviously wrong data.
6. Discussion of Results:
This section is reserved for discussing problems, results, data, etc., that have occurred during the experiment. The results obtained should be commented on in a realistic manner as to why it is correct or incorrect. Averages and trends should be given and commented on. Sources of error should be considered here. Comparison with previous investigations is very desirable.
7. Conclusions:
This section is composed of numbered statements of fact that were proven during this investigation. Be specific. Don’t generalize. For example, if
you investigated a process between 1000° and 1500°C, do not conclude: "That firing density increases with temperature," but state that: "Density increased from 1.79 to 2.31 g/cm3 as the firing temperature was increased from l000°C to 1200°C.
8. Recommendations:
Should explain such things as what you think should be done with your results and what other experiments you would have carried out if you had more time, other equipment or more resources,
9. List of References:
Should contain all references contained in the text in numerical order based on their first appearance. The style for listing references should be as follows:
a) Article in a periodical:
1. W.R Manning and O. Hunter, Jr., "Porosity Dependence of Young's and Shear
Moduli of Pclycrystalline yttrium Oxide," J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., (51) (1968) 53738.
2. Anon, "Neutron-Soaking Sponges," Ceram. Age, (83) (1967) 48-49.
b) Books
3. H.R Carleton, pp. 103-11 in Amorphous Materials. Edited by R W.
Douglas and B. Ellis, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1972.
4. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 3rd ed., p. 385. John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
c) Patents
5. W.C. Ziolokowski, "Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloy," Canadian Pat.
903, 467, January 7, 1969.
d) Thesis
6. D.W. Stacy, "Thermal Expansion of the Sequioxides of Yttrium, Scandium, and
Gadolinium~ M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, lA, 1967.
e) Reports
7. S.K. Evans, P.E. Bohaboy and RA Laskiewicz, "Compressive Creep of UraniaPlutonia Fuels," Tech. Rept. GEAP-13732, August 1971; 36 pp.
10. Appendix: If long calculations or numerous tables or figures are included in the thesis, it is often better to include them in an appendix and refer to them in the earlier sections.
II. Recommended Style of the Report
Generally, the use of the past tense and the third person are recommended. Every section (except Conclusions and References) must contain an introductory paragraph.
Roman numerals are used to identify tables and Arabic numerals to